To minimise the delay to Habbo 2020's release, for some time, both the old, Flash-based Habbo client and the new Habbo 2020 client will be running in parallel. With Habbo 2020 bringing a significant number of updates – some large and some small – some features now work differently in the new client or may be available only in the new or old clients.
Here’s a list of some notable client compatibility issues:
- Discount system for mass buying in the in-game shop is changed for the new client. Instead of receiving some items you’re buying for free when you make a bulk purchase, you’re given extra items for free.
- Marketplace taxation has been changed, and all trades are now done within the Marketplace. Due to these changes, the Marketplace has been disabled in the old client. But, one to one trading will still be available in the old, Flash client until support for Flash is removed earlier this year. This is so that any old Marketplace offers still active run out and are either sold or returned to the Habbo that offered them before we enable Marketplace trading in the new client.
- Doorbell room access mode is removed. In the old client a room with this mode active is now classed as inaccessible. Room owners can switch the door mode to something else to allow visitors inside again.
- Earnings window is only available in the new client. Users of the old client won’t be able to see or collect their earnings, but they will all be available once they log into the new client (with the exception of daily gifts and HC monthly gifts - these don’t accumulate over time.)
- Some achievements may be dependent on features available in either of the two clients. Off-season and archived achievements are only visible in the new client.
- The new trading pass is based on achievements, and the old trading pass talent track is not available in the new client. Both old and new trading passes are valid and can be used for trading.
- Which tutorial, or how a new avatar is introduced to Habbo is different depending on the client in which it was created.
- Since safety locks are now unlocked via email, the safety lock is initially turned off for old users without a verified email address.
- Star gems are only visible and usable in the new client.
- Vaults are only accessible in the new client.