Setting up two-factor authentication

Setting up two-factor authentication

To set up two-factor authentication (2FA), log in to your Habbo account through the web. In the top right corner of your screen, click on your avatar and go to ‘Settings’. From ‘Settings’, click ‘2FA’ and follow the instructions below.

Authenticator App

1. Scan the QR code using an authenticator app. (Eg. Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator.)

2. Copy the code from the authenticator app into the authenticator code field.


Click register and you’re all set! Now, every time you log into Habbo you’ll need to enter your login details and a code from your authenticator app.


Email verification


1. Tick the box next to ‘Use the same email address as my Habbo account’ or manually type in the email address you would like to use in the field provided.


2. Copy the code you’ve received in your email to the email verification field.


Click register and you’re ready to go!

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