Habbo for IOS (iPad & iPhone)

Habbo is available to play on your iPhone or iPad! Now you can take Habbo with you everywhere you go. 


How do I login?

Make sure you choose the correct hotel you would like to login to, e.g. Habbo.com. You can log in using the same Habbo account that you use when playing Habbo on any platform or device. If you do not have an account yet then you can register. Please note that you have to be over 13 years old to use Habbo.


Issues with running Habbo

Make sure you have a good internet connection. If you are experiencing crashing and freezing problems, try restarting the Habbo app:

–    Double tap the Home button on your device.

–    Swipe right to left with your finger to scroll through the apps.

–    Swipe your finger upwards to close the app.

You can also close all other apps that you have open to free up memory. If you are still having issues then you should restart the device.



Recommended iOS devices for Habbo are iPhone6, iPad Air 2, iPod Touch or newer, i.e. models released in 2014 or later.

Also available on Android!

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