What is an open beta and why are you running it?
The Unity version of Habbo (the Modern client) isn’t finished – there are a lot of old features to add and plenty of new ones to add too. We’re still adding missing features and functionality, but we’re keen for the community to keep testing the client and giving us their feedback.
How long will it run for?
We’re not able to confirm how long it’ll run for at the moment.
Why are so many features, functionality, and furni missing?
The new client is far from complete. Due to time constraints we had to prioritise certain features in order to have a playable version of Habbo ready before the removal of support for Flash on major browsers. We’re asking for you to bear with us over the coming months while we continue to develop the game and add as many features – existing AND new – as possible.
Why are rooms taking really long to load?
Room loading times are currently far from optimal. The developers are working hard to change this for the launch of the client.
Why did you change the UI and the look and feel of Habbo? I don’t like it.
Rebuilding Habbo from the ground up with Unity provided a great opportunity to improve the user experience for both mobile and desktop users. We 100% understand change is hard and that a lot of Habbos prefer the current look and feel of Habbo, but this is a change we feel is positive for the long term future of the game.
However, Habbo will be under ongoing development for the foreseeable future and we’re actively listening to your feedback about the UI and how the game is presented.
Why don’t room links work outside Habbo anymore?
External room URLs don’t work at the moment, nor will they work in the new version of Habbo. However, we plan to give all Habbos access to a chat command that will allow them to move between specific rooms. To use this chat command, all you will need to know is the room id. We don’t have an estimate of when this command will be available to Habbos, but we’ll keep you updated!
Why have some of my achievements changed?
Some achievements are changing in Habbo – some are having levels added, some are being archived, and some of the older ones are being removed.